Anyways, here are some anchor charts from my 5th grade math classroom. What do you think?
As most 5th grade classrooms go, varying forms of mean are a huge part of our benchmark/standards.
We also worked with basic algebra and my co-teacher made this wonderful anchor chart!
And what would a math classroom be without some graphing! Here is an anchor chart to the parts of a graph that my co-teacher created! Thanks Jill!
So far, we have tackled 5th grade math according to our district's outlines. Below are some things we have done!
We start every math problem with this step-by-step process. Below are some examples of students applying the process with division problems. They also added a picture.
Here is our place value chart for decimals.
As we have progressed through the year, students review math concepts with their homework. Below are examples of step-by-step guides on the most common skills that students forget. These are posted in the room and copied for students to keep and use as needed.

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